Saturday, March 5, 2011

Kohler vs. State of Wisconsin

The Beer:  Finishing the last of the Winter Ale and Irish Red.  The keg of Liberty Ale is empty.  The Tripel and Wheat are not quite ready and the Blonde is still The Blonde.

The Bicycle:  Four weeks to the first 100 Revs ride of the season.  It will be painful for me.

The VRWC:  OK....not what it appears.  Forbes has an article regarding Kohler Co. bargaining with UAW Local 833 last year and makes some comparisons to the current state of affairs with Wisconsin's public sector unions.

What is missed here by the article is that negotiations with public sector unions are not anything like negotiations with private sector unions.  

In negotiations with Kohler Co., the union found itself bargaining with a team whose only goal was to protect the Kohler family's business.  Consequently, the negotiations were between two parties with different agendas.  The goal of the union is to get as much for their members as possible and the goal of the company is to get the most from the workers while giving as little as the market bears.

Public sector unions, on the other hand, negotiate with politicians.  The goal of the public sector union is the same as that of the private sector union.  The difference is on the other side of the table.  The goal of the politician is to get re-elected.  to do so, the politician needs campaign funds.  From whom do those funds flow?  Public sector unions.  So the negotiations are not even cooperative, but rather symbiotic.  

This is why public sector unions should not have bargaining rights.  No one has any interest in protecting the taxpayer.  The self-interest on both sides is terribly large and subject to corruption.  No such symbiosis exists in the private sector.

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