Sunday, January 11, 2009

Obama Backpedals

Not surprising.

It easy to make claims like, "I'll close Gitmo within 100 days" on the campaign trail. Tougher when you know all the facts. As I've said before, I think The Chosen One had his National Security briefings and came out with a little different view.

Further, no President in his right mind is going to have his predecesssor prosecuted. Or anyone on the predecessors' staff. That's suicidal. Just sets him up for prosecution by his sucessor.

1 comment:

Ordinary Jill said...

Not only that. It also encourages his predecessor to attempt a coup d'etat just to save his own skin. Why do people think that overthrown dictators like Baby Doc Duvalier are given assylum in other countries? Why did Nelson Mandela promote a truth & reconciliation commission instead of seeking revenge on those who imprisoned him? A wise leader leaves his opponent a safe avenue of retreat.