Sunday, February 1, 2009

Serpenthead vs.Rush

In the words of a friend of mine back in the day(John, if you read this, hat-tip to ya), "Texas Cage the Death".

Actually, I think Carville misses the point here. Limbaugh often takes an extreme view to make a point. The point here is the sheer amount of pork the Democrats jammed into this bill. Bridges are not falling down wholesale in spite of the headlines and Carvilles dreams (Mary, do something about that?). Cities are not flooding wholesale because the government isn't doing enough. Carville referenced two high-profile instances. OK. It's not that the New Orleans levees or the I-35 bridge in Minneapolis suffered from a lack of government funding. Both the bridge and the levees were underdesigned. Government spending would not have changed that.

If we had not spent "$350 million a day in Iraq", Saddam would still be there and, quite posssibly be maintaining a WMD program (before you tell me they didn't have any, recall the tons of yellowcake removed from Iraq and the gassing of the Kurds and Iranians). Further, had we pulled out when thee Democrats who voted to invade Iraq voted against it, a bloodbath would have ensued, making post-Vietnam SE Asia look like kid stuff.

If Carville wants a balanced budget, he should talk to his fellow party members. Criticize Limbaugh if you like James, but keep in mind that your side is making a big mess even bigger.

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