Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mark Neumann for Gov?

I sent the following email to the Mark for Gov campaign this morning:

I was fortunate enough to attend the Jefferson TEA Party yesterday. There, I received some Mark For Governor campaign material. Included in the wording was the term "green jobs". I consider that a surrender to (alleged) Anthropogenic Global Warming. I cannot possibly vote for an (alleged) Conservative candidate who would do so. More and more evidence comes forth daily to dispute the Leftist AGW ideology. To risk impoverishing our state and nation on (very) shaky scientific grounds is unacceptable.

To get votes from the real, regular folks of Wisconsin, you must tell us how we will restore the manufacturing base of this state without poaching from other states and how we can keep those here who remain. It is what made this state prosperous and will make it so in the future.

Tell the Neumann campaign we need more real jobs for real people.


Beer, Bicycles and the VRWC said... reply.

Beer, Bicycles and the VRWC said... response to my email.

Beer, Bicycles and the VRWC said...


I'm guessing Markforgov isn't that interested in my vote.