Friday, April 22, 2011

Budget Repair or Union Busting?

A St. Norbert College poll shows most Wisconsinites think Gov. Walker's Budget Repair Bill is more about decreasing the power of public sector unions than balancing the state budget.

I say, "OK".  In fact, I would have answered that way.  The reason?  Because the two  are inseparable.  The only way to get the costs under control is to start with wages and benefits.  Wages and benefits are always the largest single cost to any organization.  It has to be dealt with.  Walker could have just demanded cuts, but by limiting bargaining to wages only, the union is prevented from returning when times are better and demand their original deals back and then some.  Further, there is little regard for the taxpayer in the public sector.  We are seen as an unending source of funding for whatever the pet project of the day is and whatever payoffs need to be made.  The "negotiating" parties are on both sides of the table; there is no advocate for the taxpayer.

Thank God for Scott Walker and the Wisconsin Republicans.


Teresa said...

I agree. If the unions had been willing to compromise in any of the states which are in dire financial straits then the unions power wouldn't have to be limited. They were greedy pigs at the trough and now we are making those pigs lose weight.

Dad29 said...

Further, there is little regard for the taxpayer in the public sector

...which goes to the other BIG benefit of Walker's reforms: no more bargaining on RULES.

Pictures of 5 DPW workers watching a hole will no longer exist.