Saturday, October 20, 2012

From the Chief

The Chief and I agree on nearly everything.  Where we don't is on how we get there.  In fact, I am not confident we can get there at all anymore.  It will be nearly impossible to even hold the line.

This President has done more to reduce your Liberty than any previous President and I would argue that in the previous 232 years less damage was done.  Lest you think I am bashing Democrats only, IO can say with certainty that Republicans are little better.  Not only have they been complicit by their actions, they have been complicit by their inaction.  The current President has initiated military action against multiple countries without consulting Congress.  He has taken sides in a Civil War.  Republicans have failed to address this impeachable offense.  But it goes far deeper than that.

Since the dawn of the last Century, possibly longer, politicians have believed the propaganda that they are the "best and brightest".  They truly believe they are better and smarter than the rest of us and are pre-ordained to "rule" over us (vice "govern") and to "care" for us.  We The People failed to push back and consequently, we have nearly a majority who are dependent on the Federal Government.  Others who have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo push that number to over 50%.  This is why Conservatives put a million people on the Mall and had zero effect on Obamacare.

The Chief thinks we can change this quickly.  And here is where we disagree.  The game is rigged.  There are two parties and they collude, both locally and nationally.  We must start with the education system.  Tear it down and start over such that it teaches not only the true foundation of this country, but real science, mathematics, civics, and the ability to read and comprehend.  Little of that exists in the schools today; they are merely propaganda machines, especially for "progressive" causes.  We need to elect true Conservatives at the state and local level.  Trickle-up Conservatism.  Reversing the tide will be long and painful.  I do not expect to see the result.  It took 50 years to get here and I do not expect I have that many remaining.  Can it even be done?  I am dubious.  If we fail, there is no hope, no "Last Best Hope For Mankind".

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