Sunday, January 24, 2021

What is the Real Green/Climate Agenda?

The Beer:  Shiner Bock.  My go-to.

The Bicycle....remains in storage and unless my foot miraculously improves, it may stay there.

The VRWC:  

What is the real goal of the Green Agenda?  Most people seem to agree that it is about world government, bringing the United States economy to its knees and any number of other theories, true or false, reasonable or outlandish.  I am not planning to draw an overarching conclusion here, but I do want to explore the consequences of the stated policies of the new (apparently)administration.

  •  Fracking

Biden clearly stated he would ban both fracking and coal in a Biden Presidential administration.   Many media outlets claim it is not true, but YouTube has it up right here.  The consequences of a fracking ban on the economy and US Energy Independence are far-reaching.  Millions work in the industry and fracking has been shown safe in spite of the fear mongers claims over the years.  Fracking also has produces natural gas in such abundance that its use has lowered US CO2 emissions.  

Coal is the most abundant source of energy on the planet.  From a practical standpoint, anyway.  It is easily obtained and relatively simple to use.  It is the main ingredient in bringing on an industrial society and lifting billions from poverty.   The Chinese are building literally thousands of coal-fired power plants in China and around the world as they seek to extend their influence.  Banning coal in the Western Democracies would be an unprecedented economic and humanitarian disaster as there is no viable alternative at this time.

  • "Renewable Energy"

I have written many, many pages about "renewable" energy and how it will make lives worse, damage the environment and economy.  Suffice to say that, at a minimum, tax credits and subsidies need to go.  It will either stand on its own or it won't.

  • Electric Cars

If you are buying an electric car for the performance and cool tech, have fun.  I support your choice.  If you think you are "saving the planet", just stop.  You are doing no such thing.  Electric cars require rather large batteries loaded with environmental and human toxins.  Much of this comes from huge strip mines in third-world countries and some using child labor.  The cars do not reduce air pollution of any sort.  The pollution is just at the source now.  That is, the power plant that generates the electricity that charges your battery is still running.  At about 35% efficiency (that's science, people) on a really good day.  The electric motor in your vehicle probably runs around 80% efficient, although I would like to see actual data because starting, stopping and accelerating will reduce that number significantly.  That makes overall efficiency less than 30% and far more comparable to internal combustion vehicles.  Range and recharge time makes electric vehicles impracticle for the quintessential American Roadtrip.

So everything being done to "save the planet" is impoverishing average Americans, restrict travel and choices and hurt the standard of living.  What can possibly be the agenda?  I don't know, but I will let you draw your own conclusion.

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