Monday, June 25, 2018

Constitutional Protections

The Beer:  GPA - "An above average beer"

The Bicycle:  Still recovering from my injury.  It may be a time before I get back up.

The VRWC:  I read a comment today stating that Sarah Huckabee should not have been served at the Red Hen because she's a "fascist" and fascists are not a constitutionally protected class.  Interestingly enough, the dictionary definitions refer to adherence to a strong central government with no dissenting view allowed, but only within a "Right-Wing" context.  The exception being Urban Dictionary which uses Mussolini's:

  1.  "Everything in the State"
  2.  "Nothing outside the state"
  3.  "Nothing against the state"
The state is all powerful, everyone must submit to the state and no questioning of the state is allowed.  I fail to see how that definition does not fit the American Left.  Who believes in a large powerful central government to handle all aspects of daily life?  Not the Right, but rather the Left.  Who believes everyone should be submissive to the State?  The Left (assuming the State is run by them).  There are no consequences for being anti-Trump, anti-Republican, anti-Conservative.  But if you are anti-anything that "belongs" to the Left, the consequences are severe.  Everything the Left disagrees with must be banned, from market-based healthcare to certain forms of speech to guns.  What the Left agrees with must be made mandatory.  "Free" healthcare, gay marriage, carbon tax.... 

There are no "constitutionally protected classes".  None.  Everyone is protected by the Constitution.  Everyone has the Rights enumerated in that document.  The government has given certain classes "permission" to be "protected".  That is, these protections are not special rights, but rather, "government permission".   The government cannot grant rights.  True Rights exist because the human being does.  They come from God (or, if you prefer, "natural rights"). 

Sarah Huckabee Sanders did not have a "right" to be served, but she is not a fascist, either.  The restaurant was private property and a private business.  But consider if a Trump supporter owned the restaurant and told Maxine Waters to go elsewhere.

Democrats lack the self-awareness necessary to understand that they come far closer to the definition of fascist than Sarah Huckabee Sanders ever thought of coming.

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