Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christopher Thomas Review to be Private

Guess what the outcome of this will be?

As you may know, this is something of a quest for me. Justice must be done here. That the caseworker responsible - maybe irresponsible is a better word- is still assigned to the sister is amazing (maybe not, considering how this has all played out). I am reasonably certain there would be no investigation without the public outrage over this.

Revels Robinson, too, said she had been both personally and professionally affected by Christopher's death.
"We are all very saddened and very much affected by this very, very difficult situation," she said.

I can't buy this. If it were true, Revels Robinson would have resigned already. As I have said before, this is not the first time under her watch. Her incompetence at managing this service plunges into new depths.

Reggie Bicha, secretary of the state Department of Children and Families, called Christopher's death and the abuse of his sister "inexcusable and unacceptable." Major changes in the Milwaukee County child welfare system will be made as a result, Bicha said. He didn't elaborate on what those changes might be.
"I am very troubled by what I have learned so far," he said.
"The public has demanded answers," he said. "So have I."

Again, not the first time this has happened. Where has the state been? I emailed Jim Ott and Alberta Darling regarding this and received good responses from both. I emailed the Governor's office and have heard nothing.

We need to keep banging away at this until there is accountability.

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