Friday, May 28, 2021

Planetary Sabotage?

The Beer:  There is nothing like a Miller High Life after working hard on a hot day

The Bicycle:  Needs to go up on the rack and get cleaned up and tuned.  A 15 year old carbon fiber Trek Madone needs some maintenance, but at some point, I will retire it or trade it for something new.

The VRWC:  What ind of thinking goes into believing this kind of tripe?  The very idea that people who have a legitimate disagreement with politicized science are "sabotaging the planet" is not only ridiculous, it is irresponsible journalism (as if there is any other kind).

There is sufficient evidence that the planet is in a natural climate cycle and the human impact is nearly zero.  Add the malfeasance of those performing research, and there is good reason to be skeptical.  Some researchers have fudged numbers, violated rules of measurement and research, cherry picked and outright lied so they can stay at the government trough.  Arguably, it is they who are sabotaging not only the planet, but the human inhabitants thereof.  Cheap, reliable energy correlates well with increased longevity.  The impact on the environment is much lower than you might think and improves daily.

At some point, people need to go to jail for political malfeasance.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Replacing Right Wing Fascism

The Beer:  Shiner Bock is always the go-to.

The Bicycle:  Saw the doc about my foot yesterday.  She says removing hardware should make me feel like new.

The VWRC:  I think they mean "replaced with Left Wing Fascism".

The definition of fascism has been changed to make it solely a Right-wing phenomenon, but the Left more closely fits the that definition.  The idea that the American Right is fascist flies in the face of the evidence.  There is no indication the Right has any interest in a totalitarian state, but there is plenty of evidence the Left is.  

The Left:

Silences opposition

Shouts down dissent

Believes the opposition party should be dissolved

Picks corporate winners and losers (corporatism)

Is anti-semitic

Is tyrannical (as shown by the government demands during the Covid pandemic)

Exercises unprincipled opportunism (anyone who is paying attention can see this)

Are preoccupied with control and submissive behavior


There are many more examples.  You can see them for yourself.  To me, the comparison is absurd.