Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day

The Beer: The Belgian is in the fermenter. About 2 weeks to ready to try. Four weeks to pretty good.

The Bicycle: Wife and I did 10 miler today and I followed up with another 40. It was 52 degrees (F, for my non US friends) this morning. The Tour de France Starts tomorrow (Saturday). Yeah, I know all about the doping and I know some think Lance Armstrong doped. This isn't about all that. It's about the human adventure of the Tour. I'm a somewhat recent convert and enjoy watching the spectacle.

The VRWC: Today is the day we celebrate the men and women who chose to put it all on the line to declare, "We hold these truths to be self-evident....." I hold those words sacred and have placed my life out there to defend this country from all enemies foreign and domestic. I will continue to do so, even in my old age, because this is what I hold dear.

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