Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Evidence the public has been duped by the "Vast Left Wing Conspiracy".

I find a lot to not like here:

  • Two-thirds feel hopeful about his leadership and six in 10 approve of the job he's doing in the White House. This doesn't really surprise me. Every President has a honeymoon period and this one is no exception. The rubber will meet the road here soon, though. OTOH, there are a large number of TCO supporters who will never criticize him or his policies. But the policies put forth thus far, especially on the foreign policy front are nothing short of amateurish and the spending is nothing short of Socialist.

  • By comparison, the Republican Party — which resisted Obama's recently passed stimulus plan and has criticized the spending in his budget — finds its favorability at an all-time low. It also receives most of the blame for the current partisanship in Washington and trails the Democrats by nearly 30 percentage points on the question of which party could best lead the nation out of recession. This is just crazy. Is the public not listening? Anybody recall, "I won"? How about the cursory consultation with the Republicans to tell them what TCO's stimulus package was and they should vote for it. No compromise, no input. In addition, a combined 56 percent say the previous Bush administration deserved "almost all" of the blame or a "major part" of the blame for the partisanship in Washington, and a combined 41 percent say the same of congressional Republicans.
    By contrast, only 24 percent say that of congressional Democrats and just 11 percent say that of the Obama administration.
    This is clear evidence that the propaganda campaign has worked. Does no one recall the Democrats blocking the Bush administration at every turn? It didn't matter what it was, whether policies, appointments or budgets. Didn't matter if it was good or bad.

  • Also, the public overwhelmingly believes the GOP's opposition to Obama's policies and programs is based on politics: 56 percent say they're trying to gain political advantage, versus 30 percent who say they're standing up for their principles. Unfortunately, the Republicans brought this on themselves. They didn't find religion on spending until the stimulus package. Before that, they spent like drunken Democrats. I think the Republicans are taking a principled stand here, but they have no credibility.

  • What's more, 61 percent say they're more concerned that the federal government will spend too much money and will increase the size of the deficit, than they are concerned that the government will spend too little money in trying to get out of the recession. This is the Achilles' Heel for the Democrats. If the Republicans can make hay out of this one, they can get back in the game. Americans are not in favor of Big Anything, but especially Big Government. Again, Republicans have a credibility problem.

The Vast Left Wing Conspiracy of the Democrat Party, their fellow travelers and the media have successfully propagandized the public. Children have been indoctrinated by a Leftist agenda in the schools and we are bombarded by the Leftist message daily.

Maybe it's too late.

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